Cool Gear Inc. Helps You Get Your 8 Glasses A Day In A Stylish, Healthy Way~ Review

I love water, I drink at least eight glasses of water a day. I'm very careful about the quality of the water my family drink (it's always filtered) even though NYC water is supposed to be one of the safest tap water systems in the world. It's always good to be extra-cautious. I'm also not a fan of bottled water, as I often write about. I was recently introduced to Cool Gear International, a company that is perfect for people like us who love to have water on the go, but not from a plastic bottle.
Little man is now drinking from his first straw, thanks to Cool Gear Inc. Since we never started him on bottles, it's ridiculous to start him on one now that he's almost one (the age most children are being weaned off bottles) so his awesome Cool Zooey EZ-Freeze 8 oz water bottle with a straw (that looks like a froggie) is perfect! It's also completely adorable, and affordable at only $4.99.  These water bottles are BPA free and all the parts inside come completely apart so they can be thoroughly washed. There is even a non-toxic gel interior (it's double walled) that is freezable to keep drinks cold. It's not drip-proof (if you turn it over water drips out) so it's also an opportunity to teach our son how to drink holding the bottle upright, unlike sippies (which we are also thankfully able to skip). There are four options for these:

The EZ-Freeze Pure Water Filtration bottles are probably the most interesting bottle Cool Gear Inc offers, because they actually filter water while you are drinking it! It works with the same idea as a Brita filter, with a replaceable filter inside that water passes through to make it's way up. The water tastes cleaner, and the filter is designed to remove a great deal of the chlorine that is found in tap water. The filter is attached to the freezable gel insert that keeps drinks cold.  These bottles are designed so that you don't have to tilt the bottle to drink. Just hold the bottle upright and sip, and the water comes up as though through a straw. It comes in a variety of sizes. I had the opportunity to try the 24 ounce, a great size for toting along, and this size filters 150 gallons of water before the filter needs to be replaced.

Cool Gear Inc. also offers aluminum and stainless steel water bottles. The one shown here features a button that releases the top with a spring. It comes in a variety of designs, and is a lightweight, safe way to take water along with you. I can pour in filtered water (it fits 32 oz, which is 4 of my 8 glasses a day), pop it into my bag, and head out. It looks great, doesn't drip, and makes me feel that I'm being much safer about my health.

You can view and shop for Cool Gear Inc BPA-free Water Bottles and Stainless Steel Bottles at great prices. If you are trying to drink more water in general, want to carry a water bottle along while exercising, want an alternative to unsafe water bottles or tap water, or for any other reason, check out their water bottles before you buy (and compare them with others, you'll very likely find these are better priced and more attractive).  They are great for little ones too, who will love the animal caps on the Cool Zooey products.



  1. Those are very cute! I try to get my kids to drink as much water as possible every day.

  2. Very cute! Both the bottle and your little man. I don't like the waste of bottled water either but I definitely won't drink tap (even though ours is ok too). This is a great product, colorful, fun and affordable. I like it!

  3. I have a filtered water pitcher, but have been thinking about getting a few filtered bottles for when we leave the house. Thanks for sharing about the Cool Gear Inc bottles! :D

  4. Filtered water and cool looking also. This is a must have for Shae. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I LOVE these. We drink filtered water too, but this bottle would be great to take in the car & my son would get a kick out of having his own with a character. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I think I could really use that filtered water bottle for myself. Thanks for the information.


  7. I love these!!! It's about time somebody made cool looking cups that kiddos can take wherever they go-and I like that they're BPA free!


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