Little man can stand up and take steps. He just won't. We know he can because we've seen him do it (we even got some of it on tape) but he prefers to crawl (which he does at 15 MPH, in the blink of an eye he can cross a room), or be held. We didn't know how to encourage him to stand more, until we had the opportunity to review a new activity station.
Bright Starts makes a great product, the Around We Go Doodle Bugs Activity Station
. It has two parts, one for a child who isn't walking or standing yet (a seat that spins around the toy station base where your little one can safely sit), and, perfect for little man, the main toy station base, with the little doodle bug toys, teethers, and snack tray. He has discovered how to maneuver many of the toys to click, spin, and and pop, and he loves the five-key piano. The best part for us though is the snack tray, which has him practicing standing and taking small steps every time I fill it up with snack puffs.
The various toys include butterfly teethers, a frog spinner, and turning/clicking flowers, a dragonfly that flies in circles, and a piano that plays notes, jingles, or funny noises (little man likes the notes setting, his mini-piano). I really didn't have to teach him to use any of it, he was able to play around and figure out on his own how to work everything (I didn't even realize the butterflies were teethers until I saw him mouthing them and I saw the ridges on the wings). A great aspect of the Doodle Bugs Around We Go Activity Station is that two tots can play with it at once. Your crawling baby who can't stand yet can sit in the sit and practice moving around, and an older child can play with the toys at the same time. It's colorful and fun, takes up minimal room considering how much it offers, and is available now on Amazon with free shipping.
Bright Starts makes a great product, the Around We Go Doodle Bugs Activity Station
The various toys include butterfly teethers, a frog spinner, and turning/clicking flowers, a dragonfly that flies in circles, and a piano that plays notes, jingles, or funny noises (little man likes the notes setting, his mini-piano). I really didn't have to teach him to use any of it, he was able to play around and figure out on his own how to work everything (I didn't even realize the butterflies were teethers until I saw him mouthing them and I saw the ridges on the wings). A great aspect of the Doodle Bugs Around We Go Activity Station is that two tots can play with it at once. Your crawling baby who can't stand yet can sit in the sit and practice moving around, and an older child can play with the toys at the same time. It's colorful and fun, takes up minimal room considering how much it offers, and is available now on Amazon with free shipping.
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