Kids say the darnedest things. They also do the darnedest things, make the darnedest things, and are the darnedest things. One of the best things about being a mom is that you get to see all these cute things firsthand- the innocently funny observations, the shockingly forward antics, and the simple truths that only a child would dare to speak. Your kids are special, and you wish you could share with others how truly unique, brilliant, and funny they are. Well, you can, and anonymously to boot, because there are some things your kids do that you just don't want anyone to know was your kids ;)
Heard on the Playground is a site where moms everywhere get to share their tales, and read the humorous stories posted by other moms. There is a sense of friendship and warmth in this community where advice and funny photos are also shared. If you have a blog or site you'd like to display, you are allowed to to allow fellow members to connect with you off the site. Heard on the Playground features the largest online collection of funny kid stories and pictures, and has become very popular since its January 2010 launch.
Whether or not you decide to add your own funny stories, visit their site. The photos with funny captions are hysterical, and the tidbits from tots had me crying from laughing so much. Here are one example I stole from their site to share with you:
After coming home from a birthday party, my niece looked into her goody bag and said, "Mom, can I eat a bite of my sweet ass fish?" (Swedish Fish)
You can also add your own captions to funny photos, such as this (the current editor's pick):

You can vote on your favorites, send virtual gifts with your child's artwork, even order t-shirts with funny kid quotes from the site. It's a family friendly site, so you can invite your kids to read with you. They may find a lot of it funny, or feel neat to have you feature them in your own "story" (all submissions from the same person are kept in "My Story"), and it's a neat way to save favorite memories to revisit later. One of the biggest regrets I have in my life is not keeping a better record of momentous or memorable events. Now that my son is here, I try to keep a record of all the things he accomplishes, big and small, and I already enjoy rereading them. Having your own story online of your children's amusing anecdotes is a good way to look back fondly on things that you may otherwise forget, and to share them with others.
Heard on the Playground is a site where moms everywhere get to share their tales, and read the humorous stories posted by other moms. There is a sense of friendship and warmth in this community where advice and funny photos are also shared. If you have a blog or site you'd like to display, you are allowed to to allow fellow members to connect with you off the site. Heard on the Playground features the largest online collection of funny kid stories and pictures, and has become very popular since its January 2010 launch.
Whether or not you decide to add your own funny stories, visit their site. The photos with funny captions are hysterical, and the tidbits from tots had me crying from laughing so much. Here are one example I stole from their site to share with you:
After coming home from a birthday party, my niece looked into her goody bag and said, "Mom, can I eat a bite of my sweet ass fish?" (Swedish Fish)
You can also add your own captions to funny photos, such as this (the current editor's pick):

That's impossible! All restaurants have hot dogs!
You can vote on your favorites, send virtual gifts with your child's artwork, even order t-shirts with funny kid quotes from the site. It's a family friendly site, so you can invite your kids to read with you. They may find a lot of it funny, or feel neat to have you feature them in your own "story" (all submissions from the same person are kept in "My Story"), and it's a neat way to save favorite memories to revisit later. One of the biggest regrets I have in my life is not keeping a better record of momentous or memorable events. Now that my son is here, I try to keep a record of all the things he accomplishes, big and small, and I already enjoy rereading them. Having your own story online of your children's amusing anecdotes is a good way to look back fondly on things that you may otherwise forget, and to share them with others.
Thanks for the lead...I've bookmarked Heard on the Playground and plan to visit them often!