Toddler Tales Tuesday (a day late)

My sweet little boy is now pulling himself into sitting position from crawling, moving all over the place, and attempting to fully stand by himself. He is able to stand when put in standing, and support himself, but as for pulling himself up, he has just a bit more to go. He manages to get almost all the way up before he loses his grip.
Unfortunately, he now has a boo boo as a result of his attempts. I was in the kitchen when I heard music coming from his crib. I went into the bedroom and found him reaching up to turn his aquarium on and off, repeatedly. While I stood there, stunned that he figured out how to do this, he lost his grip and hit his cute little nose into the side of the crib, making a little cut. Then of course I felt guilty.


  1. He's growing up so fast! I think the boo-boos hurt us mommies for longer than they hurt our babies. We feel sad everytime we see the bruise or scrape but they forget it in minutes. :)

  2. P.S. can you please link this post back to the meme? You can get the code for the blog hop on my blog by clicking "get the code here..." under the "click here to enter" in the linky in the original post. :) Thanks! ♥


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