Babies at Six and 1/2 Months

From my newsletter:

Your baby is eager for some more sophisticated ways of socializing these days. He loves to play peek-a-boo and trying to find an object that you've hidden under a blanket. A potentially messy, but ultimately fun and interesting, activity for your baby is playing with cooked spaghetti. The slippery, sticky, mushy consistency may provide oodles of noodle fun!

I haven't tried any of those. He has played peek-a-boo with us (smarty pants) but I never thought of trying to hide something from him to see if he looks for it, or giving him cooked spaghetti to play with (what if he tries to eat it??)

Encourage your baby's language skills by speaking slowly and clearly and imitating what he is trying to say. When he says "ba ba ba," say it back to him in a different tone of voice. Listen as he tries to imitate your inflection. Your baby will probably start "talking" when everyone else in the room is talking - a sign he is getting the idea of conversation.

This is sooo cute! He is just kind of sort of starting to try to talk.

If your baby has been looking at the same toys or crib mobile for several months, now is a good time to change the scenery. Choose items with bright colors and big shapes, or ones that make noise. And now that he is starting to pull into a sitting position, be sure to remove any low-hanging mobiles or wall hangings that he may be able to reach.

He is definately sitting, and he loves noise-makers now.

The above photo has nothing to do with anything written here, but I love it, and he is 6 1/2 months in it, so I posted it :)
