The Sleepy Wrap- Review

I've always been a fan of baby carrying, because of the many wonderful benefits. I found a baby carrier called the Sleepy Wrap that offers all the benefits of baby carrying, and made me aware of a few more that I never thought of (such as a baby carrier as being all-terrain convenient). Sleepy Wrap is a company that makes a unique sort of wrap to cradle your baby in- the fabric is stretchy (made of 95% cotton and 5% spandex), making it one-size-fits-all babies and all parents. This means you can use it if you gain pregnancy weight, lose it, if you want to share it with your taller spouse, or lend it to your parents.

baby carrier

Benefits of Baby Carrying:
- Healthier babies- carried babies sleep better, have healthier appetites, and are less likely to become ill. They also benefit from the warmth of their parent's body and the safety of close proximity.
- Happier babies- held babies cry less, are calmer, and usually less colicky.
- More secure babies, who grow into confident children and adults- being held makes them feel loved and secure.
- Smarter babies- babies that have a lot of skin contact with parents from birth tend score better in school and on exams, learn faster, etc.
- Bonding between parent and child.
- Easy access to baby for breast-feeding, cuddling, and communicating.
- Convenient- your hands are free, you don't have to lug around strollers or car seats as much, and you don't have to worry about hills and escalators.

Benefits of Sleepy Wrap:
- No buttons, buckles or straps to adjust.
- Stretches to accomodate babies of different sizes and in different positions, without having to manipulate buckles or use inserts.
- Can be used from birth, even with premature babies, because of great head and neck support.
- Evenly distributes the weight of the baby across both shoulders and the back, so less strain on any one part of the body.
- One size fits all.
- Your baby can stay in the wrap for hours comfortably, asleep or awake, because there are no buckles or pressure points; your babies hips and legs are supported and enclosed, not dangling out.
- Offers the option of carrying your baby in different positions.

sleepy wrap
Sleepy Wraps comes in a variety of colors (the one I received for this review was a khaki/beige). The wrap comes with instructions for various methods of wearing your baby that are simple to follow (including an adorable "hammock hold"), and the stretchiness of the sturdy material allows for you to use it with all babies, from newborns to tots up to two years of age. Here is the basic tying method:

The Sleepy Wrap wraps around multiple times, so that the baby is held in well (I found the two cross-over wraps the most supportive, and the single across the belly wrap to sort of hold it all together). The use of both shoulders and the back also helps distribute the weight, so I didn't feel tired or have a strain in any one body part, as compared to a hip carrier or one shoulder carrier (great for someone who plans to hold their baby for long periods of time). I also liked the absence of buckles to adjust (just a big hassle). Since I'm rather petite, I had a lot of excess fabric (despite my ever-growing belly), so I wrapped it around more for a secure fit without any fabric hanging down, and tucked the ends in (some like to wear the ends like a sash, but I prefer a neater look).

Sleepy Wraps usually retail for $39.95 and are also available in an organic option for $59.95 (temporary discount code on the right sidebar).



  1. I had a baby sling and I loved it. It is sad when they get to big for you to carry them.

    Happy SITS sharefest Saturday. I am a new follower now too!

  2. Thank you Angie! That made my day :)

    Jennifer, that is so sweet.


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