Secrets of Fascinating Womanhood- Free Download

The book "Secrets of Fascinating Womanhood" (by Zealand Publishing House) is being offered for free in pdf format from Zealand Publishing. It is based on the 1922 Pamphlets entitled "Fascinating Womanhood" (by authors unknown). The almost-one-century-old pamphlets they are based on teach femininity for all women, married or single, in a way that is eternally relevant and effective.

These wonderful pamphlets have spawned many books in later years that very closely follow its principles and ideas, books that are popular today, such as those by Helen Andelin, John Gray, and Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

The NZ book based on these pamphlets is the story of a married woman facing many difficulties- with her husband, children, self- and how she turns her life around one day at a time, and becomes a lovelier, healther, calmer woman with a life she is happy and proud to have.

The original pamphlets are difficult to read in their on-line format (Harvard library offers them at this link: Fascinating Womanhood 1922) and the loading of each page may be slow, so printing them out to read is a good idea. The information, wisdom, and ideas they contain are priceless! There is an art to being a graceful, tender and feminine woman, and these pamphlets thoroughly teach them.

Read more articles on femininity.


  1. Here is another link that is good too. I love this book!

  2. This really sounds interesting. Thanks for the post!

  3. I remember those books -r one of a similar name - read it right before I got married - that was 18 years ago - guess it helped!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog a few weeks back - I appreciate my fellow bloggers!

  4. Stopping by from SITS to give a little blog ♥

    Love the redhead pic

  5. Thanks for sharing

    Just visiting you from SITS - hope you have a great weekend. Feel free to come visit me at SweeterLiving, I love visitors!

    Greetings from Spain

  6. Sounds very interesting... I will have to go check it out!
    Over from SITS.

  7. How fascinating. I am an avid reader and have never heard of these. I have to check it out!

  8. Sounds very interesting. Will have to check it out!

  9. Sounds very interesting!

    Stopping by for the Saturday Sharefest! :)

  10. Sounds very interesting. I will have to check it out.

    Happy Saturday Sharefest!

  11. Thanks for sharing the resources, this sounds like a great book for adult women and teens!
    Happy Saturday Sharefest!

  12. Stopping by from SITS. These are really interesting. Some things have sure changed, and some things haven't!

  13. Thanks so much.. this is just I need now :)

  14. I started reading this Friday. My marriage is already turning around! It's like it's too good to be true. Thank you so very, very much for the link.

  15. Hi,
    My friend just sent me this book and I suggest all women to get a copy. I have read it and its simply realistic and awesome. i have tried the first four secrets and my oh my. they do work. just check it out and you'll be pleased you did.

  16. Thanks for this link! I have been reading Helen Andelin's book for over 25 years and just discovered the free e-book, but it is interesting to see the original!


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