The Zuvo Water Purator Demonstration- Watch Our Video!

I recently had the opportunity to review the above counter Zuvo Purator (and Zuvo also generously gave one in a giveaway to a follower), but I also wanted to show you the Zuvo in action:

Zuvo is now introducing its new Zuvo 150 Water Filtration System. Priced at less than $150 — a fraction of other automated water filtration systems — this is a low-cost, high-volume, easy to install home water filtration system that is also eco-friendly, elegantly designed, and easy to use.

Some info on the Zuvo 150 Water Filtration System:
-Easily installed above counter to a standard (threaded) faucet or under-counter connected directly to a Zuvo Beverage Faucet
-Uses 8w UV bulb; requires less energy than a toaster
- ½ gallon-per-minute flow rate
- Filter life of 400 gallons

This was my first ever vlog, made especially for Zuvo :) Thanks again to Zuvo for the opportunity to review a purator and share it with others, and for helping us to trust our tap water again.



  1. That is a really loud machine. Or does it just sound that way in the video?

  2. I think that is the faucet running, lol. The Zuvo does make a fizzing (bubbles) noise as the water passes through though.

  3. Wow, that's cool! Thanks for showing us how it works "In action". I also love putting a voice with the words on your blog!

  4. What an excellent demonstration and explanation of how this system works. It can be an intimidating product, I think. This video will probably help lots of people who are considering the Zuvo.

  5. I am even more intrigued with this now!!!!

  6. I love our Zuvo and you did a great demonstration!

  7. Love that it lights up. The kiddos would get a kick out of that.

  8. Great demonstration. I adore Zuvo! LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! The water is so yummy and my coffee tastes so good.


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