Love and Respect For a Lifetime~ Book Review

I recently became a reviewer for Book Sneeze, and had the opportunity to review a book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs about marriage and love. I expected to find a relationship book, chapters explaining the dynamics of interaction between men and women, that sort of thing. Instead, what I found was a humorous, wise little book that is a super-quick read, the kind of cute little book with a small paragraph, witty phrase, or funny-but-true observation on each page that you usually find featured around Valentine's Day.

The basic premise of this little coffee table book is that women need love, men need respect, and if these most important needs are met in a marriage, life is good. It's a simple and complicated as that. So if it's so simple, why are relationships sometimes so hard?

This book gives advice, in short, manageable bites, that explains it all and helps keep harmony in your marriage. Some of this books gems include:

* A husband knows he is valued when his wife tells him she likes him (in addition to loving him), thanks him for his input instead of acting insulted, and never puts down his job or how much he makes.

* A wife is assured of her husband's loyalty when he speaks highly of her in front of their children and others, he doesn't look lustfully at other women, he calls and let her know his plans, and he keeps commitments. 

* She says "I have nothing to wear" and means she has nothing new to wear. He says "I have nothing to wear" and means he has nothing clean to wear.

This book is only about $10 on Amazon and you'll really enjoy it if you like books about relationships, love, marriage, and especially if you like these books to be easy-reads (makes it more likely the menfolk will pick it up and browse through it too). 

