Fun With Babies At 8 Months!

What fun stuff is there to do with babies at about 7, 8, and 9 months? Lots! Little man is an endless source of fun for me, and the whole world is endless fascinating and fun for him. Here are some great things to do to inspire, teach, and stimulate your baby:

♥ Babies at this age love funny noises and sounds, so read them fairy tales. Not only is reading to your child bonding, it may encourage them to develop a love of reading as they get older. When you read stories, use funny voices. Fairy tales are great because they have monsters, animals, grandmas, witches, and your child will love to hear the funny voices you use for each of these characters.

♥ Give your child a wooden spoon and a bowl or pot, and let him become a drummer. Give him an empty soda bottle or a box to hit also (just remove the cap of the soda bottle so he doesn't accidentally choke on it). He'll love hitting different things, and he'll love the different sounds everything makes.

♥ Let your baby crawl all over you. She will develop her muscles as she reaches and climbs over your tummy, legs, and back. After she is done, grab her and hug her.

♥ Babies tend to look where you point at this age, and may even point themselves. Point at something, say its name. Do this all the time now, because your baby will soon be saying all these names, and is absorbing everything you say. If something is safe and fun to touch, point at it, say its name, and let baby try to point at it and touch it too.

♥ Play peek-a-boo by hiding an obkect under the covers and letting your baby find it. You'll be surprised as he goes from thinking the object just disappeared to understanding that the object is still there, just covered. Put things behind your back, too, so he searches for them and understands that it was moved somewhere else. When he finds it, reward him with a big kiss and the object he was seeking.


  1. Sounds like your little mans world is expanding and becoming more adventuresome...these ideas are great!
    Thanks, Becky Jane
    Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed...well worth it, but...OUCH!


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