Raising Children Who Don't Smoke

Top Seven Tips For Raising Children That Don't Smoke (even if you do):

No Smoking
* Make your stance on smoking (No!) very clear, and be sure to explain that this includes all forms of tobacco (flavored cigarettes, snuff, smokeless tobacco products, cigars, etc).

* Look for signs of tobacco use, such as smoke smell, wrappers, burn holes, stains on teeth or fingers, bad breath, etc.

* Talk to your children about their friends...if their friends smoke, they are much more likely to try it out. Be aware of what kind of friends your children are making.

* Pay attention to athletics-involved children too...children who are involved in organized sports may be less likely to smoke cigarettes, but are just as likely to try smokeless tobacco products.

* Explain to your child the different forms that tobacco comes in, and explain that it is dangerous and equally addictive in all forms. Children who think flavored, imported cigarettes are safer than traditional cigarettes are seven times more likely to try them.

* Spend time talking to your child about your stance against their using cigarettes, even if you smoke. Children of parents who smoke but are opposed to their children doing so are much less likely than children whose parents do not take a stance at all. (I can verify this...I'm from a family of smokers, but abided by my parents no-smoking rule).

* Spend lots of time together as a family. Children who spend lots of time with their parents are less likely to smoke or even try smoking.

Parially provided for parents on behalf of Philip Morris US Youth Smoking Prevention by Health Communications Consultants, Inc.
