Venturing Out

mom balancing everythingIt has been a cold winter, and the big freeze tapered off slooowly into a rainy couple of weeks before finally, this week, the sun finally made its appearance. It is fabulous out there!

Since little man was born, I was afraid to leave the house with him unless my mom or husband came with me. I'm not entirely sure what I was afraid of...maybe that he'd get sick (because if my mom wasn't there, I'd forget to dress him?) or that someone would snatch him away from me (if my husband wasn't there to protect us?)....I was probably really just afraid of doing something very new to me that I never did before. I am so protective of my little chubba wubba that I basically stayed indoors for months unless I had back-up to venture out with.

Recently, I decided to brave the big, bad world with little man in tow, and we've been having a great time. I discovered I can maneuver him from the carseat to the stroller by myself, and I didn't forget the diapers or wipes (though I did forget the pacifier one time). Now that it's less terrifying, I've gone out a couple of more times with him, and I feel like part of the world again.

As per my mommy make-over, I'm still wearing my belly-wrap most of the day, and am increasing how many stomach crunches I do daily. I'm also trying to cut back on caffeine and replace it with water. Once I get into a really great routine, I plan to do more. I'm looking forward to seeing the results, if any, at the end of the first week.


  1. I was so ready to get out and get around people when JDaniel was a few months old.

  2. I remember never really going out with my first born until she was 6 months or so - at least time with two, it only took a month in a half until I braved it with both by myself. And it just gets easier and easier. Sounds like your doing well on your mommy make-over. I just started what I'm calling "Operation Healthy Mom" today. Look fwd to seeing both of our progress.

  3. J'sMom, I feel the same way, but it's harder than I thought it would be!

    Kat, I'll be following you too.


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