Sassy Toys and BPA-Free Baby Products

Little man is almost four months old, and he loves anything that is brightly colored (loves, loves, loves). I couldn't figure out why he lost interest in his cute mobile, until we started to offer him very vibrant toys. Then we realized his cute mobile with muted and pastel colored critters just bores him now. By three months, his eye sight was pretty much fully developed in terms of being able to see colors, and babies at this age and beyond want to see very vibrant colors and strong contrasts (this explains why he is fascinated with things like black and white fixtures, lol).

Enter Sassy toys. We received a package of colorful, fun toys a couple of weeks ago to try out, among them a Sassy Stim Gym Play Mat for tummy time. We've been really bad about tummy time because I can't listen to little man cry, but when babies have something to entertain them or attract their attention, they don't find tummy time so burdensome. When we first tried the playmat, we loved that he actually started to use his legs to kick the critters in order to get them to move.

Since then, he has been learning to reach out and manipulate toys as well. He is so curious, and enraptured by new things. This particular playmat has a padded pillow to prop baby up a bit, three really cute, bright little critters hanging from the toybar that make different noises, and a very bright mat. The bright colors attract his attention, and though the little critters make noises, little man doesn't seem to get the cause and effect of this aspect yet. He is mainly fascinated by their colors and shapes (a red spider with spindly legs is his favorite, he loves to watch it jiggle around). The Stim Gym also comes with a ladybug-patterned mirror that entertains little man as he lounges around on his tummy. He seems to love not only seeing a little baby in the mirror, but the light reflecting qualities of the mirror. The Stim Gym has definately helped us make progress with tummy time.

We also had the opportunity to try out this Sassy Crib and Floor Mirror, which we keep attached to the side of his crib:

He is starting to notice himself more in mirrors now, and when he is on his tummy, he has actually elevated himself to look up at his reflection, which is exercising his arms without him fussing about it. The mirror is surrounded with little critters that capture his attention (he looks at them even more than he looks at himself) and one has leaves that crinkle when he grabs them. There is a bee that makes clicking sounds when turned, but he hasn't learned to maneuver this one yet. As he practices new skills, he will learn this too. The different textures of the mirror parts are fun for him to touch and explore. The Crib and Floor Mirror can be used for tummy time as well, and has a velcro latch to change the angle of the mirror, depending on if your child is looking at it from below or level on the floor.

We received a flutterby teether, but unfortunately, I lost it already (grrr), which is a shame, because in addition to being cute and having the color contrasts that little man loves, it has a textured handle that little man gripped well, and he enjoyed biting on it. It is made without paint so is safe for babies to put in their mouth (as he does with everything). The flutterby contains water in the upper wings that can be chilled to soothe his gums when he starts to teeth:

I'm going to have to get another one for him, because he is already showing signs of possible teething. This cute little teether usually retails for less than $4.

Sassy Flip and Grip rattles are colorful, ridged rattles with clear plastic balls containing mini rattling beads and a spinning mirror to catch the light. These rattles are also made without paint, so are safe for babies to mouth. Rattles with handles like the Flip and Grips have been helping him get the hang of gripping and holding on to things. He always had a good grip on anything placed in his hand, but he is now reaching out and grabbing items that interest him, and the reflective mirrors in these rattles are designed to appeal to babies. A two-pack is about $4.99.

We received a BPA-free first-foods feeding set, but haven't tried it yet since he is still being nursed. I'm looking forward to trying it out (and will write about it after we start using it). It comes in two color options (we received the blue/green set) and is ergonomically designed to be comfortable to hold while feeding your baby (ARV $4.99).

Sassy products are sold at major retail baby chains such as Buy Buy Baby, as well as on Amazon, for great prices- the Stim Gym is only $34.99 and ships for free.

Sassy, Inc. provided these products for my review free of charge. Many thanks to Sassy for the opportunity to review your products with our little guy!


  1. So cute!!! We love Sassy here too!

  2. Awwww, makes me wanna have another baby :D I love Sassy products!

  3. Love Sassy bright and colorful and really grab little one's attention with the contrasting white and black colors!

  4. How cute is he kicking at those toys!!! We love Sassy products over here too!


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