Momover by Dana Wood- Book Review

I recently had the opportunity to review a new book for new moms, Momover: The New Mom's Guide to Getting It Back Together (even if you never had it in the first place!). Author Dana Wood is a senior fashion editor of W and long-time journalist, and also writes a popular online blog called A wife and mom of one, she went through the same new mommy blues many moms go through, and tells the tale of her trials to regain her old self in her book.

Momover is a mashup of "mom" and "makeover". It's a fun read with lots of tips and advice for new moms, and features a foreword by Veronica Webb, model, mom of two, and c-section veteran. Momover advises a new mom to keep her focus on herself, so that she has what it takes to properly care for her new baby and family. The central message is "happy, centered mommy = centered, happy baby". The book is divided into three parts, for emotional self-care, physical, and spiritual. Wood advises the reader to stop wallowing in self-pity over extra pounds or feelings of exhaustion, and instead take pro-active steps toward getting back in shape, feeling good, and returning to a somewhat normal schedule.

Some parts of the book are a bit impractical for someone like me (like having a full-time nanny for the first year of baby's life- not affordable or even desired), but other parts really hit home for me, such as having to cut superficial acquaintences in order to have time to do the most important things (sleeping, eating well, spending time with your baby, spouse, and real friends and family) that seem to get lost in the time-crunch of caring for a new little one. The author says once you have a baby, it's time to learn to really prioritize, because polite conversation with someone you barely know can cut into your very tight schedule, throw you off, and basically ruin your day. Wood says this is a time to put yourself first.

Other great tips include overhauling your diet into a primarily organic, healthy one and making sleep a priority, above all other self-care measures. She advises taking measures to get back in shape as soon as your doctor gives the go-ahead, because the excess weight you still have at six months may be the excess weight you have for years to come. She offers lots of resources for further information, and includes advice based on what worked for her in her own life.

I'm still breast-feeding, and this was a fun book to read to pass the time while little man nursed. As Cynthia Rowley says, Momover "reads like a juicy expose" and reminded me that I'm going through the same thing countless women before me did. Other moms got back into great shape and got into a healthy (new) routine, and so can I, with focus and hard work.

You can purchase a copy of Momover on Amazon for $10.17 (usually retails for $14.95) in softcover. If you need motivation to kick-start your "mommy makeover" plan, this may be what you need.



  1. Yeah, I might need to read this one, my boys are 16 month old and I still have the new mommy blues!!

  2. It can last a long time...we need to give ourselves some attention too.


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