Babies At Four Months

According to my weekly newsletter from Parenting Weekly, by about four months babies almost double their birth weight. Little man is over 3 and 1/2 months, and according to his doctor, he is now 15 lbs 10 oz (he was 8 lbs 11 oz at birth), so almost.

He is also supposed to be cutting down on feedings, eating about 6 to 8 times a day now. This is a result of his stomach growing, so his meals are bigger and less often. He seems to be eating lots more than that though.

When he eats now, he stops often to look at me and smile, look at something that got his attention nearby, etc. At first I thought he wasn't hungry, but I'm learning this is normal and to be expected (so I continue to feed him, it just takes longer).

He also reaches, grabs, is trying to stand, calls out for attention or to express something, he examines the toys he is now holding, and more. We need to work on tummy-time so he can crawl eventually, but I don't like to force him. I don't mind if he is a little behind on some things...he is ahead on others, and it all evens out. He's a happy baby, that makes me happy :) He looks very confused when I point cameras at him, lol. He likes to sit up to see things from a different perspective and look around.


  1. Mine is 8 mo and naps have always been rare! :) She doesn't require much sleep!


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