Making a Family Home- Book Review

"Creating a Home is a process of imbuing our space with soul and spirit, surrounding our family with love, care, comfort". ~Shannon Honeybloom

Making a Family Home is an autobiographical book by Shannon Honeybloom, written in a flowing, stream of consciousness style. It is about the author's journey from a single woman who never changed a diaper and barely knew how to cook, to a mom with a strong nesting instinct and desire to create a warm, welcoming home for her family. With snippets of recollections from her youth, this book is filled with touching imagery that conjures up our own memories of visiting grandparents and daily home life, and are a stark contrast to home-living as it is usually known today...quick-paced, no time for family dinners, etc.

Making a Family Home takes us back to a time when things were less hurried, simpler, and happier. An excerpt from the book:

"Having grown up during the Depression, my grandmother had a habit of not buying many things, and fixing things when they broke. Her home was spotless and uncluttered. Every item was carefully cleaned, placed, considered....Helping her make a bed, wash the dishes, make a pie or a simple dinner was always so much fun because of the cheerful way in which she did those household tasks. She imbued her household with love, simplicity, and joy".

The author discusses how our senses are affected by our surroundings, how society has changed with the removal of a front porch on homes, the importance of a comfortable, welcoming living room for the family to relax in, and much more. Throughout this book, the reader is reminded of what has been largely lost in the last generation or two, and is given ideas on how to recreate it in their own home. Making a Family Home is an inspiring quick read and a great coffee table book.



  1. I be this would be very inspiring for people who love homemaking. I may have to check this one out!

  2. sure wish I had time to read. This sounds like a good one

  3. It does sound like a good one, There is so much I need to do to my home

  4. This sounds like a great book! I'll have to check it out, thanks!

  5. Sounds interesting..I'll check it out..thanks!

  6. Sounds like a very interesting book!


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