35 Before 35

Jules from "The Fabulous Life of Jules" and Sonja from 30 Before 30 have great blog ideas...they came up with a list of 30 things they want to do before they reach 30. Well, I'm past 30 now, but I decided to come up with a list of 35 things I'd love to do before 35. I'm a list girl (I have a TO DO list for every day of my life, and I get almost everything done...when I've misplaced my lists, I've gotten nothing done). I need TO DO lists!

I'm also great about getting life plans done...I've made lists of "What I Want To Do In My Life" and have completed them (lifelong goals, yet they were done, and I had to start again). Call it the Law of Attraction, the Secret, or Serendipity, but when I have a list, my dreams come true. I've been to Egypt and seen the pyramids, I learned to knit, I ran in a marathon, I dyed my hair red, and I went to the post office for letters to Santa from random children and sent them gifts pretending to be Santa (if anyone is ever interested in that one, the main NYC post office offers this, and maybe I'll see you there one year *wink*), been kissed by a dolphin, ...if I put it on a list, I did it. I haven't made a life list in a while though.

So, my NEW, fabulous, life list...35 Before 35!!

1. Ride in a hot air balloon
2. Join the Polar Bear Club (but just once)
3. Make a divine souffle
4. Being very involved in a charity I'm passionate about
5. Sing karaoke in public (*cringe*- this one terrifies me! But I want to face the fear)
6. Eat lobster in Maine
7. Wear a t-shirt for a day that says "This is what a Republican looks like"
8. Do a perfect split
9. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride through Central Park at night
10. Dedicate a day to doing random acts of kindness for strangers...at least one each hour.
11. Learn to do a spin while ice skating
12. Be on a game show (don't know how that can happen, but it just occurred to me that this would be super fun!)
13. Go to Hawaii
14. Drive around for a day in a mercedes convertible and a Jeep Wrangler- with no doors!
15. Start and maintain a window garden (with herbs that I use for cooking- especially basil, yummy)
16. Go to Times Square on New Year's (I've lived in NYC my whole life and never did this)
17. Have a second baby
18. Go skinny dipping with my husband (not in public!)
19. Learn fluent Greek
20. Learn to use a gun (my husband thinks this is a great idea, since he has one for work)
21. Get my pre-pregnancy figure back!
22. Have a star named after me
23. Go to a BlogHer convention
24. Give away 1/4 of my wordly belongings
25. Wear a beautiful, authentic sari
26. Go to Australia, Ireland, Texas
27. Audition for a movie role
28. Join a Jane Austen book club (not on-line)
29. Host Thanksgiving dinner!
30. Buy my dad a new car for his retirement
31. Buy and bury a time capsule for each of my children from the year they were born
32. Buy a home
33. Go on a five day fast
34. Make delicious home-made bread like my mom does
35. Go skydiving- my husband doesn't like this one, he said he forbids me :)

Have you ever thought of what you'd love to do in life? How about taking a cruise, learning a new language, sewing a complete outfit, learning to ride a motorcycle, volunteering with the blind, winning a poetry contest, learning CPR, eating Russian food in Russia? Come up with a list that you can refer to often, until your dreams happen. Being focused and always aware of what you want to do makes opportunities seem to just arise!

...and my lifelong goals (for one day)(super OPTIMISTIC and HOPEFUL):
1 Live to be 120
2 Go on an African safari
3 Travel into space
4 Star in a movie
5 Start a scholarship fund
6 Live in an underwater community
7 Visit the Holy Lands


  1. I want to do some of those things. Especially the hot air balloon ride and skydiving.

  2. WOW - Good for you for accomplishing so much! If only everyone took this approach. I'm going to start working on my list right NOW! I'll post on my blog and share when I'm done. Thanks for the inspiration!!!


  3. Wowowow...very interesting aspirations! Now I'm inspired, but the task of coming up with that many things is a bit daunting! Hmmm...maybe I'll start with ten...and maybe a few more will occur to me, then a few more....Maybe my first goal will just be to come up with thirty things I want to do! :)

    Good for you! Have to tell you, though, I laughed out loud at a few of these. They're so specific! AND...you might drop a hint around your birthday...you can actually pay to have a star named after you! Google it! ;)

    Thanks for sharing your list and inspiring me!


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