Penelope's Super Easy, Super Yummy Cheesecake!

I was looking over my posted recipes, and was surprised to see I never blogged about my favorite, super-easy-to-make, delicious cheesecake recipe (how can that be? I make it all the time!) so here it is:

Penelope's Favorite Cheesecake

easy cheesecake

16 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
1 graham cracker crust (I buy an organic, pre-made crust that is already in aluminum to make this super easy, but you can certainly make your own crust with graham crackers)


- Preheat oven at 325 degrees.

- Beat cream cheese, sugar, vanilla together until well-blended. Add two eggs and mix well.

- Pour mixture into crust, and bake at 325 for 55 minutes (or until the center feels almost set).

- Take cheesecake out of oven and let cool (may add optional topping below after it is done cooling). Refrigerate for at least four hours before serving, or overnight.

Optional: I love to buy a can of organic cherries for a topping. Not only is this absolutely delicious, but a cherry topping is just so pretty. You can also use blueberries, another fruit, chocolate, etc. You should add this topping after the cheesecake has baked, and has cooled.

best cheesecake


  1. That looks sooo yummy and super easy!!...looks like cheesecake might be in my future...and its fat free ..right???


  2. Yum! I never tried baking one from scratch, but I'm so tempted....

  3. OMG I have to try this!!!!!!!! It looks delicious!

  4. OK, now I am STARVING for a cheesecake :) Thanks for the great recipe!

  5. Laura, lol, not fat free (maybe low fat if you get the low or non fat cream cheese though)

    It's so easy to make though, and sooo tasty!

  6. As a new fan of cooking, I'm still learning. But your recipe looks scrumptious and super-easy to do--simple enough for even me. : )

    Thanks for the recipe!

  7. Lar, it is easy! It's one of the first things I learned to make when I started to bake (with slight variations on the original recipe, because I happen to love vanilla)


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