Seven Pounds- Movie Review

This great movie starring Will Smith has been out for a while, but I only recently saw it. The truth is, I don't watch TV, so I don't know what movies are coming out or currently playing- I find out by word of mouth. A couple that is friends with my husband and I recently told us about this movie, and I felt I had to see it.

I always felt Will Smith was just someone special. I love his movie choices, such as the Pursuit of Happyness, Men In Black, and others. I also appreciate the way he lives- he has a strong family (he once called himself a "warrior for his family"), he is a good father, and he is a good role model for other men. He just seems to be such a good person. This movie, similar to the Pursuit of Happyness, is about a man of good character, and how he handles dramatic life events that can't be helped.

I can not tell too much about the story without giving away major plot points unfortunately (when I was told about the movie, I was given the ending first, lol- I won't do that to you!). I will say this, was inspirational, emotional, and unique.

I would not watch this with children for the first time (there are some strong scenes in this movie that should be viewed by parents first, before deciding if it should be viewed by your children, such as a sensual, but not too graphic, love scene, and a scene depicting suicide) but I would still recommend this movie. It shows sacrificial love, repentance, and redemption in a unique way that hopefully will appeal to broad audiences.


  1. I have been wanting to get this for a while. I might just have to now.

  2. Thanks for the review! I didn't know this was out, but I do appreciate Will Smith as an actor too.


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