A Baby Trivia Quiz

Bouncing Baby
I found this quiz on-line, as a fun activity for a baby shower or group of girlfriends to try together. How many answers can you get right?

1. When born, what size is the baby's head, in relation to the rest of his/her body?
a) one half the size of the body
b) one quarter the size of the body
c) one eighteenth the size of the body

2. Who was the original Gerber baby?
a) Shirley Temple
b) Ann Turner
c) Mr. Clean

3. What color was used for boys in the 1900's?
a) Blue
b) Pink
c) Yellow

4. When does the eye color set in an infant?
a) 6-9 months
b) 4-5 months
c) 2-4 weeks

5. A baby is born with how many bones?
a) 300
b) 206
c) 275

6. What is the first sense a baby develops?
a) Hearing
b) Taste
c) Smell
d) Touch

7. What is the typical cost of raising a child in the United States for the first year of life (excluding medical costs)?
a) $2,000
b) $10,000
c) $15,000
d) $7,000

8. What is the average time it takes a man to change a diaper?
a) 30 seconds flat!
b) 3 minutes
c) 2 minutes 5 seconds
d) 1 minute 36 seconds

9. Babies are born without which body part?
a) Kneecaps
b) Elbows
c) Tailbone
d) Shoulder blades

10. What is the word for pregnant in England?
a) stuffed
b) full
c) packed

11. What percentage of babies actually arrive on their due date?
a) 80-81%
b) 24-25%
c) 3-4%

12. A baby is born around the world every ____ .
a) 3 seconds
b) 20 seconds
c) 60 seconds


  1. Yes, I need the answers too!! :) perfect timing, I'm helping somebody organize a baby shower this weekend!

    following you from MBC

  2. The answers will be posted Monday...Silvia, I emailed them to you so you can use this quiz for your baby shower.

  3. I am really interested in the answer for #10! That cracks me up!

  4. n.combsYou have a wonderful webpage..i come just being nosey as you are a fellow OLS'er, From what i see, a most beautiful person, whom God loves very much, and likewise, i am sure you will do well in life

    God Bless you sweet lady

  5. Thank you Ron.

    Heather, that is so kind of you :) I am honored, and heading over to visit!


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