Baby Trivia Answers

1. When born, what size is the baby's head, in relation to the rest of his/her body?
b) One quarter the size of the body.

2. Who was the original Gerber baby?
b) Ann Turner.

3. What color was used for boys in the 1900's?
b) Pink.

4. When does the eye color set in an infant?
a) 6-9 months.

5. A baby is born with how many bones?
a) 300.

6. What is the first sense a baby develops?
a) Hearing.

7. What is the typical cost of raising a child in the United States for the first year of life (not including medical costs)
d) $7,000.

8. What is the average time it takes a man to change a diaper?
d) 1 minute 36 seconds.

9. Babies are born without which body part?
a) Kneecaps.

10. What is the word for pregnant in England?
a) Stuffed.

11. What percentage of babies actually arrive on their due date?
c) 3-4%.

12. A baby is born around the world every...
a) 3 seconds.

(Pink for baby boys? That one surprised me!)


  1. Pink for boys because it was a mild version of red, the color of war and masculinity. And light blue was little girls because it was associated with the Virgin mary. It didn't change until after the World Wars when blue was associated with men's military uniforms!

  2. WOW, very interesting facts over here. I hope you're doing great girl!!! :D


  3. Oh and I just read Kay's comment. WOW. Good stuff.

  4. Yeah the Pink Surprised me too! This is Tee following from the MBC! Come
    and visit me sometime over at the

  5. Kay, that is really interesting (and makes great sense).

  6. Tanya, I'll come visit this morning, thanks for stopping by :)


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