10,001 To Live Large on a Small Budget- Book Review

In today's economy, I don't think it's a surprise that we are all belt-tightening and trying to be more frugal. It seems more important than ever to save our money and spend wisely. Times are tough, and we are all being more careful with how we spend money.

10,001 Way To Live Large on a Small Budget is a book by the writers of Wise Bread. This full color, humorous, 352 page book is filled with information that will help you save money by teaching you about bargain hunting, getting rid of personal debt, changing your relationship with money, cutting back on food, travel, etc, and seeing things like debt and credit card companies in a new light (financial institutions want your money almost as much as you do...maybe more!). It retails for $14.95 and contains tips for:

* Frugal, lovely weddings

* Eating healthy for less

* Dressing like a million bucks on a small budget

* Which investments are actually worth looking into (and which are not) and how to make wise decisions

* How to live more frugally in your home, room by room

* What to never buy new

and lots more. My favorite sections were about how to budget, how to barter, and where to hide money around the house (these ideas were pretty funny).


  1. I love your webpage it is really pretty and thank you for the helpful tips.

  2. I will certainly buy this book. =] thanks for stopping by my blog. and yes there is a new tinkerbell movie.. i think disney is debuting another one this fall =]

  3. Sounds like a good book to buy! Thanks for sharing!

  4. This looks great! I will add it to my Amazon wishlist for sure.

  5. great review; just stopping in from SITS to say hi; hope to see a visit from you on my blog sometime.

  6. Thanks for the review! I will have to check this out!

  7. Great review! Sounds like a great book!

  8. thanks for the review, sounds fabulous!


  9. This book sounds right up my alley!
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    Hope all is well with you!

  10. Stopped by to say hi. I'm back from my unplanned bloggy break responding to comments and visiting my favorite blogs.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Thanks for the info Penelope -- I had never heard of Wise Bread and went right over to check out the site!


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