The Bath Luve

The Bath Luve (pronounced lovey)- is a product that helps a parent keep baby warm during a bath. The safest way to bathe a baby is in shallow water. Unfortunately, this often leaves the infant cold and unhappy, making bathing difficult for parents. Amy Seckinger came up with a solution to help make both babies and parents happy-- the Bath Luve.

The Bath Luve is 100% cotton and comes in a frog, fish or duck design (I have the fish design). It is used by first soaking it in warm bath water and then gently draping it over the baby. It can be re-soaked and re-draped as often as needed to keep your baby warm. It can also double as a squirt-shield for baby boys.

The material is soft, and your baby looks just darling wearing a little frog or fish :) It retails for about only $8-10.


  1. I never saw this before!!! I am going to check it out. My nine-month old daughter ALWAYS gives me trouble when I take her out of the bath...this looks like the perfect solution!

    By the way, I am your newest follower! Found you on MBC! Great blog!

  2. That is so cute! Love it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. Those are adorable! My nephew is now 6 so he wouldn't need that but it is great to keep in mind for baby gifts! :-)

  4. Dropping by from SITStas...WOW what a wonderful product!!!

    Have a great day!

  5. So cute! I wish I had one of these about 11 years ago. :)

  6. Hi there, following you from MBC.

  7. OMG crazy - i did not know these kinda stuff is exsisting ;-)

  8. What a cool product! And it is created by a mother from my home state! I'll have to check her website out.

  9. I have never saw these. They are too neat. What a great idea.

  10. I wish I new about this when my son was younger! Great product!

  11. Those are cute! I hope we have those available here in our country.

  12. Wow! What a cool product! Too bad all mine are past the baby stage! So inventive.

  13. That's really cool. And cute :)

  14. Wow, what a super good idea! I know how much my little munchkin absolutely hated baths when he was tiny because of how cold he could get. Stopping by from SITS today (and because you're one of my followers, thank you!). :)

  15. I am constantly amazed at all the new products to make moms and babies' lives easier. I wish this had been available when my boys were babies.

  16. http://www.papermoonies.blogspot.comJuly 16, 2009 at 10:53 AM

    so cute, I used to use a wash cloth. which this is but way cuter.
    Here is my addy if you have any stuff that you just dont use.
    Brittany Heskett
    1029 Kings Road
    Escondido, ca 92027
    I will make it worth your while.
    he he

  17. These are so cute! Just stopping by from SITS! Have a great day!


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