A Smorgasboard of Great Baby Items

I've been coming across some great finds for babies and very small children, and I loved so many, that I made up a top ten list (in no particular order). My mommy/wives group and I have tried many together, so these have passed the test of lots of little ones (and I hope it's helpful to some other new moms out there). Our Top Ten:

1. Vicks Rectal Thermometer...not only does this thermometer get great reviews for being very accurate and easy to use, but the large bulb ensures you do not have to worry about pushing it in too deep. The best part is that the baby barely feels it (no discomfort, no pain!). It is available for about $12.

2. Gramma Gayle's Lap Pads: these water-proof pads are the perfect size (18x18), machine washable, can be tossed in the dryer safely, and come in very attractive prints. I got it in a pink, blue and green handprints design. It's only $6.50, and it's fabulous and beautiful! It's worth picking up a few of these.

3. The Kidco Swivel and Door Latch from Totsafe (they sell great childproofing products). I don't think anyone needs to be told that home safety with babies and toddlers is soooo important! Totsafe offers a great selection of safety items, including various cabinet latches, kitchen, bathroom, and electrical safety products, and much more! Their cabinet latches are terrific, totally childproof, yet easy for adults to maneuver. Their customer service is terrific too.

4. PeaPodZ :) They are 5" by 2", flexible (to contour to the body), reusable, neat, and non-toxic, and the fact that it looks like a pea pod is adorable! They can be used for adults too.

5. Wubbanub pacifiers- these pacifiers have little plush friends for your baby to hold onto, helping to keep the pacifier in place, and they are easy to find should your baby drop it. Plus, they are so darned cute! Babies have fun playing with them too.

6. Weego Glass bottles- Not only are they non-toxic (no dangerous chemicals in the glass), but they come with non-slip, protective, silicone sleeves in six vibrant colors. I want to get them all!

7. 7th Generation Baby Wipes- I like their kitchen products, and I'm so happy they make baby wipes as well. Their wipes are non-toxic to a baby's gentle skin. You can find their products in Whole Foods, most health stores, and many other places.

8. Miracle Blanket- I love this product. Swaddling is considered the best way for your baby to sleep early on, and the Miracle Blanket makes it easy. They have a great selection of colors and are very afforable.

9. The Tummy Tub- this product mimics the warmth and coziness of the womb, and is a safe way to bathe your baby from birth. It looks like a bucket (which aren't safe to use!) but it's actually specifically designed to 1. have a safe center of gravity (no tipping over), 2. support the baby while bathing (so the baby doesn't fall under the water), and 3. keep the baby warm (low surface area keeps the water from cooling for at least 20 minutes).

10. What to Expect When You're Expecting Pregnancy Booksand What To Expect The First Year- I read quite a few books to prepare me for pregnancy and the baby's first year, and none, I mean none, are as thorough and helpful as these two books are. I've heard complaints that they are too thorough, but is there such a thing? A book that has everything you need to know at the tip of your fingers is what we need, and if you don't want to know it all, you can always skip around or use the index. I tossed or donated the other books...these two have become my Expectant Mommy bibles.

Read our post on what to pack for the hospital when baby is on the way!


  1. Wow so many cute things. They didn't have that stuff when I was a new mom. Congrats! Stopping by from SITS.

  2. You have lots of cute ideas here. You must be so excited!

  3. We always seem to post right after or before each other on SITS, so I just had to come over and visit. We seem to share a lot in common like being expectant mommies. I also have some of the items on your list like the miracle blanket. May I also recommend some of my favs:

    Boon Pod for Bath Toys
    Moby Wrap (infant carrier/sling)

  4. Great list! I wish they had this stuff when my son was a baby, which really wasn't that long ago. "What to Expect.." was my go-to guide when I was pregnant, such a great book! I think the only thing I would add to your list is the AVENT steamer that sterilizes bottles, nipples and toys. Thanks for sharing this list, it's awesome! Have a great SITS day!

  5. Stoppping by from SITS!

    I agree with the WTE books! They are excellent. :)

  6. Hi, Penelope! Thanks for visiting my blog and the warm welcome to SITS. Congrats on your new little one! I can't believe all the great new products out there now!

  7. Stopping by from SITS to say hi!

    Love all the baby recommendations...I am expecting #4and it seems like there are newer and better ptroducts with ewach baby! =) Thanks for the reviews!

  8. Great list! When hear of friends expecting I will have to share this with them!

    I love the new blog design!!! It is so happy...just like your sweet personality!!!

  9. miracle blanket was a godsend for ds1, not so much #2... :D

    That bucket looks cool

    I looooooooved my hotsling

  10. The little tub is adorable. I wish they had that when my little girl was a baby.

    :o) Hope you had a Happy Monday!

  11. Thanks for following! And thanks for the compliment on my banner. It is my baby's feet!!! I will do a review of the Tiny Bubbles detergent after I try it out for a bit.

    A GREAT mommy product are Mommy Necklaces. I LOVE them. And no, I don't work for or get compensated for saying that. I'm just a happy customer. You can check them out at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mommy-Necklaces/111331557914?v=feed&story_fbid=103538999404#/pages/Mommy-Necklaces/111331557914?ref=mf

  12. Teresha, thanks for those tips...we will look into those.

    Madison, I'll be looking into those necklaces too.

    Thanks Kristen :)

  13. These are great...I'll be looking into them. My baby shower still hasn't happened, so still time to register!

  14. Ooh, I love those cutesie things...Hubby and I are trying to have another baby, so I'll need this list to refer to. I didn't find such adorable things when I had Bart!

  15. Stopping by from SITS and wanted to say hi. Great list!

  16. what cute and awesome ideas! =] I love it! thanks =]

  17. Great post! I used to work at American Apparel and they actually have a really cute selection of baby clothes that people don't know about. They're great for gifts and also very cheap! Check out the karate pant and tank tops! http://store.americanapparel.net/babies.html

  18. Wow what a great site! Where were you when I had my 4? I am following you now. I love your blog. Take a peak at my blog too...funny stories to come!

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    This list is great! I will have to keep these things in mind for when I am ready to have babies.

  20. I could not agree more about WTEWYE and WTETFY...these books get so much drama on messageboards but they may as well be Bibles to me.
    That bathtub is awesome, wish I knew about it a few months ago. When my baby was really teeny it was always kind of tough to bathe her!
    Love your blog!!

  21. Wish I'd had the tummy tub with both of mine!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  22. thanks ladies, i'm glad you enjoyed the list :)

    agatha, i tried to email you, but i don't see an email. welcome, i'm glad you are here.


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