The Original Slumber Bear by Prince Lionheart

The Original Slumber Bear from Prince Lionheart features an adorable napping teddy, holding a removable "silkie", that is able to quickly lull your baby to sleep with its unique intra-uterine heartbeat sounds. The Slumber Bear comes in pj's and a silkie in your choice of beige, pink, or ice blue (I received the beige) and is very affordable (it usually retails at around $27).

The Slumber Bear has lots of incredible features that would make it a spectacular gift for yourself or an expectant friend. The inner audio pacifier (sound box) is the only one with actual sounds recorded inside a mother's womb, soothing the baby with its familiar heartbeat sound. It has a volume control that allows you to make the sound quite high, should you need to, allowing it to mask quite a bit of noise from outdoors, and the sound box also had a five minute auto shutoff timer to save on battery life. The sound box can be placed inside the bear, or used on its own by attaching it to the side of the crib with the included velcro strap. The bear itself may also be attached to the side of the crib, out of reach of a sleeping infant, with the same strap. The best aspect of this feature? It has motion and sound sensors. If the baby wakes up and cries, or jostles the bear, it turns on again to soothe the baby back to sleep!

The silkie mini-blanket is a smooth satin cloth that is worn by either parent for a time (to transfer their scent) before being used to comfort the baby. Babies are most calm, reassured and happy when they are near the comforting, familiar scent of a parent, and this also helps to bond the baby. The entire product is very well made, a beautiful addition to a nursery. Even the sound box is attractive enough to display on its own. Prince Lionheart makes a lot of great quality products, and I'm so happy I found them. If you are looking for an adorable sound conditioner, check it out.


  1. That bear is so sweet. I wish we had thought of something like that with our little guy. It turns out we have to keep a rather noisy fan on for him to sleep soundly. (We learned this while staying at a B&B that had a loud-ish wall air conditioner unit. The child took hour and a half naps and slept the whole night through with barley a stir!

    Best wishes with your little bambino/bambina. Hope he/she cooperates with the ultrasound tech really soon:-)

  2. That is such a cool product. I am bookmarking that page for when my husband and I have children. Thanks for the idea.

    Just stopping by from SITS!

  3. Stopping by from glad I did!

  4. We had (2) of these when the boys were little. They liked them! Stopping in from SITS!

  5. Hey there! What a cute little bear! Stopping by from SITS giving some bloggy love :) Have a great day and please feel free to stop by and say hi! ~Mary

  6. Great blog and I love the bear! I might get it for my step sister! I am off to follow you!!!!!

  7. Awww that's adorable!

    Stopping by from SITS :)

  8. What a cute little bear! I might look into getting one for our little guy. Thanks for the review. Saw you on SITS and decided to pop over. I'm following your blog now so I'll be by more often. Feel free to check out mine and follow my blog too!

  9. Good to know, I'll keep this in mind for the next baby shower I go to.

    visiting from SITS

  10. Cute product! I wish my kids had one when they were littler! Stopping by from sits1

  11. The teddy bear is soo adorable!

    From a SITSsta. :)

  12. this sounds great! many blessings with your baby!

  13. Such a sweet little keepsake! Stopping by from SITS to Share Some Comment Love...

  14. that is really cool! stopping by from SITS and wanted to say hi!! I love your blog...yeah and I totally agree with you about the tired of it!

  15. Hi, stopping in from SITS:D Sending Friday bloggy love. That bear is so darling! I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow, I am going out and trying to find that cute bear.

  16. Saying hi from SITS! Adorable little bear. I see in your profile you're expecting?! How exciting! I have a little girl who was born in November '08, so I'm still very into all things pregnancy and tiny babies :)

    Will follow you!

  17. Oh I just LOVE the Slumber Bear! It's been a Godsend for my son (...and me and hubby too, lol!) Popping in from SITS - take care :)

  18. My sister has this and LOVES it!!

    Stopping by from SITS & wanted to invite you to our raffle proceeds go to putting smiles on the faces of those battling cancer :)

  19. Visiting from SITS. And I thought there were a lot of great products for babies when I had mine 16 and 14 years ago. Amazing.

  20. These are adorable. I am stopping by from SITS to say HI!

  21. Hello! I used to have one of these when I had my first kid. The sound is soothing. Sometimes I would just sit with my girl and listen to it:) That was eight years ago. They have gotten much cuter.

    Now her and her sister use a white sond machine and the last child uses a humidifier without water and my Hubby and I use a old fan. We love noise:)

    ps. You were one above me in SITS today:) Have a great day!

    Oh and best wishes with the new future baby!!

  22. Visting from SITS, cute bear, love the blanket that he is holding.

  23. Congratulations on your pregnancy, SITSsta!
    Helen xx

  24. Hooray for 19 weeks. That bear is going to be great for baby.

    Stopping by from SITS. Have a great weekend.

  25. Oooh. That is one of those things that just makes your heart melt a little!

  26. That looks really cool. I might have to check out their website. Thank you for sharing.

  27. Stopping by from SITS! That bear is adorable!

  28. My daughter loved her little bear. It actually did help her sleep, so I would recommend it for a newborn.

  29. how come i found out about this cool stuff after the rough times?! stopping by from SITS!


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