Free "Future Christian Homemakers" Lesson Plan Download

Download a free copy of the Future Christian Homemakers book (which was previously sold as a book for $29.95), which will help moms raise the future's skilled homemakers and cooks. These are the lovely, old-fashioned womanly arts that are rarely taught anymore, but so relevant.

From their web-site:

Future Christian Homemakers teaches girls how to become successful homemakers.

We believe that a successful homemaker is a Godly woman equipped with the Biblical knowledge and practical skills to manage her home well. The Bible is God's word instructing us how to live now, and for eternity. A woman will find true joy and success in her life when she lives according to God's word.

Along with Biblical knowledge, women need to know how to cook, sew, and keep their home. This instruction should begin at a young age in the home. Future Christian Homemakers seeks to provide materials to help girls learn these skills at home, or through groups in churches, homeschool co-ops, or other settings.

Future Christian Homemakers encourages women to teach the younger women to love their husbands, love their children, and be "keepers at home." (Titus 2:3-5) We have much to learn from each other, whatever our age! FCH helps women share their knowledge and skills with the next generation and build strong Christian families.

Thank you FCH for making this available!


  1. That's cool that the material is available for free!
    I look forward to teaching my daughters (and sons) all the things I had to learn the hard way (after I got married)- cooking, folding laundry, sewing on a button, and even balancing the checkbook...

    It's so much easier to learn while you're young and at home rather than waiting until you're married and have no one to teach you.

  2. Morgan, I plan to teach my sons also...when they are in college, and in life in general, it is great to know sewing and cooking basics at the very least, for anyone.

  3. what a great idea. so many people could benefit from this.

    stopping by from SITS to say hi!


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