A Manual of Etiquette

This link is to a lovely on-line manual of old-fashioned etiquette that still applies in most respects to today (some of the information on fashion or calling cards does not apply, but otherwise, it is a rich, indispensable resource of wisdom and advice). It is a lucky thing that there are people kind enough to post such wonderful information on-line for others to find and learn from.

A Manuel of Etiquette by Daisy Eyebright


  1. What a delightful discovery! I'm so glad you posted it here!

  2. Thank you for posting this link! I'm going to delve through it today.

    Have a wonderful Monday!

  3. Would you happen to know what year this manual was published?

  4. I'm not sure when it was published, but it is written by George Routledge (1812- 1888)- despite the feminine pseudonym (men know about etiquette and manners!), so I would guess it was published by himself in the mid to late 1800's. Mr. Routledge was also a publisher and owned a publishing company with his sons, printing books inexpensively for mass distribution.

  5. How fantastic! I am going to have to check this out. I just got several books on etiquette yesterday at the library. We must be on the same track


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