All For My Son

We have been going a little nuts lately shopping. Now that little man is a bit older and actually enjoys toys and items we get, we are putting more thought into what we get him.

A lot of educational toys are now in his collection, including LEGO sets, Discovery Toys, and the classics we grew up with. We love these kids backpacks from CSN to put his toys in, and have also been boosting up his DVD collection to include all the popular shows of today, as well as those we loved as kids.

It's amazing to see how fast he picks up new skills, absorbs everything, and is saying new words all the time. His latest words are "baby, daddy (with an "e" sound, not "dada"), up!"

I can't believe I just want to spend all my own shopping money on him- but I do!

PS If you are looking for bunkbeds (if we have a second boy, we plan to get one), Check out for a great selection of new full over full loft beds for your little ones.



  1. I can totally relate. My daughter will be one in January. Three weeks after Christmas. We went overboard for both events. But hey she is our First and we show her lots of love...and money! Ha ha! Great post.

  2. Yep. It only gets worse lol. I have found at least one can't live without it deal on Amazon every day this month...sigh. Blaze will have a blast Christmas morning though.

  3. Funny how they do that to you!
    Found you through the December Blog Hop! Happy to be following you!

    Anna, The Pilot's Wife

  4. My kids get all my money too, but that makes me happy also !!


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