What Age Is Too Young To Give Children Access To Condoms?

I was watching an episode of "The Doctors" this morning, discussing the controversial decision of a Massachussets school to start providing condoms in grade (elementary) school. The school has the discretion to say no (or not) and parents are not involved at all. The "doctors", all four of them, were all for it. They felt it would decrease the incidence of STD's among children, whom they claim are having sex whether we like it or not.
I felt really upset watching this episode, so upset I'm not sure I'll ever watch this show again, and for two reasons. One, I don't think schools and nurses have the right to take away a parent's right to make these decisions for their own children- when to teach children about sex, what to teach them about it and the morality, decisions, and timing of it, and two, why isn't anyone asking WHO these children are having sex with??

Eight year old girls do not naturally seek to have sex. I don't think any eight year old boys do either, nor do any understand the how's of it for that matter. And most don't catch STD's playing in the playground, nor are they born with them. So WHO (as in what older, STD-ridden adults/older teens) are preying on these children and not being outed when we provide children with condoms to keep having sex with them (just protected now). This makes me as angry as when I found out girls were being given oral contraceptives and abortions in high school and the nurses were keeping it secret from the parents. These schools are HURTING our children and pretending to be protecting them, but there is more to protect them from than an unintended pregnancy- these children are having sex with pedophiles or older, sexualized children, they are being exposed to unsavory atmospheres and people that are sexualizing them at inappropriate ages and that will affect who they are and what they become for the rest of their life, potentially getting wicked STD's that are found only among those who are already sexually active (not other 8 year olds), parents are not being warned about it to step up and protect their children, and these decisions are being made by people who don't love our children at all, let alone like a parent does.

I am sooo sick of the stance being taken here, and those of the medical profession who only see things from a "medical" point of view (it will happen no matter what, and we need to prevent STD's- really? children will have sex no matter what? I didn't, even though I was aware there were kids at 12 who were- will men who were 25- because in my circles and in my family, there was just no way that would have been happening in my life). I'm really sick of schools and doctors also clumping all children into one big group, making a broad assumption that all children are raised the same way. This reminds me of the Texax mandate for school-aged girls requiring they get immunized for an STD, and some girls died from side effects, not to mention the ridiculous government interference in the lives and health of these girls and families.

It all makes me see the desirability of home-schooling that has become more popular in the recent past as much more understandable. I am planning on sending my children to a parochial school, because I'm fortunate enough to have a great, quality parochial school nearby that emphasizes family involvement and wholesome values. It has a steep tuition, but I'm pretty much willing to give up a lot to have my son attend and be surrounded by an atmosphere that won't devastate his childhood with adult traumas he isn't ready for or prepared to handle.


  1. I totally agree with you! Thank you for being willing to stand up and say something about this!

  2. Thanks for your support, I actually felt nervous about writing it, but I feel so strongly about parental involvement and protecting children from this nonsense.

  3. I just can't get behind passing out condoms in grade school at all. I know it's a very real concern in middle school though. Sex is rampant during those years already.

    I would hope that my child would come to me for advice and help rather than the school.

  4. It's time for parents to make waves at the schools. YOU are the parents, and need to make your voice known. I know some states allow this to take place. Work to change that in your state. And above all, talk to your son/daughter about what God says about sex outside of marriage. That His word takes precedence over what they hear at school, TV, etc. Something that might shock you--most parents don't know what the schools are doing and don't care. Be proactive and put on rally about sex has a price tag to it.

  5. I agree...sex education should be at home, and it's really not the school's business if some parents choose to wait until later to discuss it, or what they tell their children about it. The schools/gov't have no right to step in to fill in gaps, expedite it, etc because of THEIR beliefs.

  6. I don't agree at all. If you let the sex education to parents many many children will be let in dark because some parents will not take this job at all. It leads to a higher frequency of teen pregnancy and it's silly because it's so easy to EDUCATE our children. It's proven that the more sex education you get the older you are when you have your first sexual experience!

    I once heard a story and it was not in the 20th century of a 15 years old girl that became pregnant and she didn't know why or how she became pregnant! It's complete non-sense!

  7. Hi Yuki, thanks for your input. I suppose it depends on the type of sex education. Since I plan to teach my children about it, I don't want schools augmenting my teachings with their own ideas that I may not agree with.

    Sex education probably does postpone sexual activity, but is that education from school, or education in general (parental being sufficient)?

  8. Education in general! It's just that studies focus on sex education at school because it's easy to know what child got through what. It surely depends what you teach them but he main point is not to make a taboo out of sex like it's sadly the case in many places.

    I forgot to tell that sex education also decrease the incidence of STDs!

  9. Amen! I totally agree with you Penelope! Good post!


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