Ridiculous Parenting Products

A fellow blogger (host of Feisty, Frugal and Fabulous) came across an article from Parenting.com which features 23 Ridiculous Parenting Products (including instructions on how to make a teddy bear out of your placenta- eeeeww!). I went through this list and had a great time laughing at some of the items, such as:

(this seems more inappropriate than funny- heels on a baby?? They're bad enough on a nine year old),

plush pee and poo (you had to see it to believe it),
the Pee Pee Teepees (I use Bummas to cover little man while I change him, but really, anything will do...these look like wizard hats to me),
and the Daddle (a saddle for daddy to wear while playing horsey, which is actually kind of cute).

Several items on the list are actually products I don't think belong there- specifically, the tummy tub, which is great for a colicky baby as it immerses the baby in warm water safely, and bunches him up a tad, making his tummy hurt less (it's great for any baby, but a colicky baby especially), and the Potty Mitts- which I've never tried, but they seem rather clever to me. What child can go to the bathroom without touching the seat to steady themself, hold themself up, etc? Wearing a pair of child-sized disposable gloves to protect them from some nasty germs sounds genius to me.

Others on the list seems unnecessary to be sure, but not ridiculous. On the other hand, the placenta teddy bear? I'll pass, thank you very much.


  1. Who made this list? I agree with you, some are insane, but I am a germ freak, and I would totally buy disposable gloves for my kids!

  2. Lol at the poo and pp animals!

  3. I agree with you for the most part but not for the potty mitts! I think that these are completely useless and bad for the environment (and surely your wallet!) Do you know that most of the public toilet seats have a smaller concentration of germs than your average keyboard? And anyway your child can chew on these mitts just after they grab the seat right?

  4. OFL, it was made by parenting.com. We should make our own list!

    Dom, lol :)

    Yuki, eew, I never thought of them chewing on it after! But I would hope by the time they are out of diapers and ready to use toilets, they know better than to chew on random items.

  5. Well, I was thinking that the fact that those can be needed was because your child was putting their fingers in their mouth... or else why buy that?


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