Fun To Do with Babies 0-3 months:
♥ Start signing "milk" (open and close fist) and baby will eventually be able to "sign" when hungry. Try other signs as well. Around age ten months most babies will be able to sign milk, tired, and thirsty if you consistently sign to them in the previous months, and your baby will be able to communicate with you before he can talk.
Fun To Do with Babies 3-6 months:
♥ Show baby a toy, then cover it. See if your baby tries to uncover it. If he does, his memory is developing. If not, uncover it & say "Peekoboo! There it is!" Then cover it & try again.
♥ Touch different textures, fabrics, etc to your baby's hands and feet. They are learning new sensations, and will love the feel of different things. Try silk, canvas, furry plush animals, touch and feel books, an orange, etc.
Fun To Do with Babies 6-9 months:
♥ When you leave baby, say "Bye" & wave. When you return, say "Hi!" with lots of excitement. He'll soon connect the words & actions and learn to say them as well, at the appropriate times.
♥ Let your baby turn the light switch on and off, and say "on" and "off". He will learn how a switch, and the meanings of these two words.
♥ Look in mirror together and do silly things to make him laugh. He'll love it, and eventually he will repeat them too. Try making faces, sticking out your tongue, laughing, winking, etc.
♥ Start signing "milk" (open and close fist) and baby will eventually be able to "sign" when hungry. Try other signs as well. Around age ten months most babies will be able to sign milk, tired, and thirsty if you consistently sign to them in the previous months, and your baby will be able to communicate with you before he can talk.
Fun To Do with Babies 3-6 months:
♥ Show baby a toy, then cover it. See if your baby tries to uncover it. If he does, his memory is developing. If not, uncover it & say "Peekoboo! There it is!" Then cover it & try again.
♥ Touch different textures, fabrics, etc to your baby's hands and feet. They are learning new sensations, and will love the feel of different things. Try silk, canvas, furry plush animals, touch and feel books, an orange, etc.
Fun To Do with Babies 6-9 months:
♥ When you leave baby, say "Bye" & wave. When you return, say "Hi!" with lots of excitement. He'll soon connect the words & actions and learn to say them as well, at the appropriate times.
♥ Let your baby turn the light switch on and off, and say "on" and "off". He will learn how a switch, and the meanings of these two words.
♥ Look in mirror together and do silly things to make him laugh. He'll love it, and eventually he will repeat them too. Try making faces, sticking out your tongue, laughing, winking, etc.
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