Wordless Wednesday- Little Man's New Shoes

Little man's new shoes (more expensive than some of mine!)


  1. HA, but aren't they worth?! So cute:)

  2. Hey soo cute!! Love ur blog. I am def gonna be back.
    Do visit me if u get a chance!

  3. too cute!
    i hate that they are so expensive

  4. Mini Poem: Little Man's Sandals
    Mommy for summer put some cool sandals upon my feet,
    or they might sweat and not smell Little Man sweet.
    I heard you say, "Little Man's shoes are more expensive than some of mine"
    but I know even so, with the cost you are fine.
    I know you want my feet to grow up healthy and strong,
    and always live close to you where they belong.

  5. That is so lovely! I love your poems :)


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