I'm fascinated by all things Nicholas Flamel related. I heard about him briefly in my youth, and after reading the Harry Potter series my interest was renewed. Myth states that Flamel, an alchemist, created the Philosopher's Stone, which can turn lead into gold, and also discovered that "Elixir of Life" so that he and his wife became immortal. These romantic ideas are fascinating and make for great reading when novels are written about him.
I'm currently reading "The Necromancer" by Michael Scott (there is a companion online game with this novel at The Quest for the Codex, and after I read the book, there will be a review and giveaway. The web-site is also offering a giveaway of an AMEX giftcard, the complete Nicholas Flamel series, and other items.
I love books like that. Not so much into the online stuff, but am excited about upcoming giveaway!