Finally- *Phew*

Little man is finally sleeping through most of the night. It started this last week, as though someone had just flipped a switch, and suddenly, he changed. He falls asleep at about 8 or 9 pm, wakes up once at around 1 am to eat, then falls asleep again until 4 or 5 am. This gives me over three hours of uninterrupted sleep at a time (I still have to wake up to pump on schedule when he sleeps for those long stretches).

Before this change, I was up all night with him, sleeping only about 30 minutes at a time during his cat naps. He would sleep during the day instead, mocking me. I could not figure out how to crack the mystery of getting a baby to sleep during the nights. He was too cute for me to have the heart to try to force him to stay up when he wanted to sleep, or to put him to sleep and ignore him when he was clearly awake and alert, and looking for attention.

I still don't know what caused the switch, but then the answers to many baby mysteries still elude me. I'm just happy it happened. I'm already feeling like a new person, more energetic and alert during the day. I hear rumors that eventually babies even sleep up to seven or eight hours at a time overight :) ...can't wait for that to happen!


  1. Such a sweetie! I love the pics of babies sleeping. I like your new header too!

  2. I was so happy when Blaze started sleeping for more than and hour or two at a time. I am happy for you too!

  3. Glad you are getting more sleep. Life is soooo much better with sleep!!! I am amazed at how long your little one can sleep at a time. I hope that happens for my son (he's 7 weeks old). My daughter didn't start going 4 hours at night until she was 4 months old, but by 12 months old she was sleeping 12 hours straight. As for the day/night confusion, in the sleep book I follow (by Weissbluth) he talks about how newborns can't distinguish between these at first. I think your son is right at the age that he says in the book they are more physically able to get in synch with day vs. night. I don't mean to be nosy, but why are you pumping when he's sleeping? Is it because you are in pain? I remember sometimes pumping when my daughter started sleeping longer. However if you don't pump or nurse at that time (say 11pm) then your body will adjust and you won't have as much milk at that time, but you'll still have plenty of milk at the times he continues to nurse (ie 8pm and 1am). I'd hate for you to feel you can only sleep 3 hours at a time, but maybe there is a reason you need to keep pumping at that time that I'm not aware of.

    I've had milk issues this second time around but it was because they left part of the placenta in when they did my c/s. Thankfully now that I had the D&C two weeks ago, my son is finally gaining weight at the appropriate pace. I almost gave up on nursing. They discovered the problem just in time. Whew....

  4. When it finally happens it is a great thing! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Congrats! They just one day hit an age where they know it's time...and thank God for that! My son started sttn at about 6 weeks, and then started waking again at about 7's been rough with the teething, praying for the day when we can sleep a whole night without wakings! Your son is adorable!

    Alicia from Coffee Mugs and Sippy Cups

  6. Yay!!! So happy for you!!! I remember it well... sleep tight!

  7. Thank you Anne, Shana and Lacey :)

  8. Ruth, I didn't know that! I don't know how to get on a better nursing schedule. Any tips?


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