Living On One Income In New York City

My husband and I agreed, before we had our son, that even though I had a career and made a pretty decent income, I would be able to stay home once we started to have children. It was very, very important to me that I have the opportunity to enjoy spending time with my children during their earliest years. Despite the hardship of living on one income these days, my sweet husband agreed. He didn't want to deprive me of something that really meant a lot to me.

We live in an area where one income doesn't go far, and being a stay at home mom (SAHM) is a bit of an oddity. In fact, most people who ask me when I plan to return to work are shocked when I tell them "Not anytime soon". I hear about my "wasted" education, and how hard it is on my husband to have to do all the work (because raising a child full-time is not work?).

I understand that these people are well-meaning (I really do- these are people who care and want us to be financially successful in life, and to meet all our dreams without struggling much). But bigger than my dreams of an easy life and big home and all that comes with money, is my dream of spending lots of time with my family and enjoying all those firsts of a baby's early years. I can always go back to work later.

As a result of our choice, we've had to look for ways to be thriftier. I cook at home a lot (which has lots of benefits besides saving money, such as I can cook to our specific tastes, and I know the quality of the food being used), we entertain ourselves by spending time together, reading, watching movies, having family evenings or friends over, etc (instead of spending money to be entertained by electronics or shows or whatnot), and we shop for quality, items that are long-lasting, and we take care of things better so they last longer (with the added benefit of reducing our footprint on the earth).

I also look for ways to make money in unique ways that allow me to stay home, such as Sponsored Tweets, writing articles for web-sites, etc. My goal is to fund my IRA annually, and to put money away for our son's future (college? his own business? whatever he wants!). My husband pays the regular family bills, so anything I make goes toward our son or ancillary family expenses (such as maybe a nice Christening for little man). It doesn't hurt that quitting my job also meant cutting or avoiding all the expenses that go along with a full-time job, such as daycare, transportation, union dues, and whatnot. My husband, as a cop, has better insurance anyway, and no babyitters mean I'm not jealous of some poor young girl because she gets to see my son's first steps while I'm working.

In addition to finding creative ways to cut back while still enjoying life fully, and saving money for our son's future, we've also put the kabash on credit cards...if we don't have cash, we don't buy it. After years of credit card debt, my husband is finally on an all-cash system. A great book (by Joe Dominguez) is "Your Money or Your Life". It puts things like savings, debt, and advertising in perspective, and even gives advice on how to possibly become financially independant one day (a lofty goal, but others have done it, so why not us?)...this is my favorite financial book.

Obviously this is a slow process, getting ahead on one income in a city with a high cost of living, but the rewards so far have been very worth it.


  1. I completely agree with you but sometimes we have no other options. I don't know if you have read my most recent blog post?

    We are in a situation similar to this, but not by choice and roles revered. I would give anything to be a SAHM but it's ust not feasible. My husband is a self-employed contractor, and is out of work. We DEPEND on his salary. We do not live outside our means, even before he stopped working. We live in a modest home that is at the bottom of the market for our small touristy coastal town, I don't have a cell phone, his truck is paid for and mine is almost there, and they're not new cars. I stopped unnecessary expenses like hair (except sometimes my mother chips in and pays for it), nails, tanning, etc a long time ago. I carry the only health insurance, I work for the government. We have to keep Liam in daycare because if any jobs come up for my DH we must have a place for Liam to go and in our area there is only 1 child care facility and it's obviously full (don't get me started on in home daycare, had a bad experience with that and plus there's only 1 registered provider, rest are exempt, no thanks!). We are worried about losing our home (we were going to let it forclose but if we do my husband loses his license - bonding issues). So, we're in a big pickle. We are going to simply have to rely on credit cards. We cannot get loans but are looking into a modification loan right now. I do not qualify for food stamps or WIC and I am certain I will be turned down for the state medicaid as secondary insurance for Liam. It sucks when you're too poor to make it but too rich to get help. Gotta love it.

    I have heard stories about how expensive it is to live in NY. Our mortgage is nearly $2000 for a 1200 SF house, daycare is $304 for 8 days a month, and a monthly grocery bill is about $400. We were totally fine until this recession. Now we live in a town with (last I read) 74% of the population being at poverty level. There are virtually ZERO jobs within this entire stretch of the coast. How does this compare with your neck of the woods??? I am so curious! :)))

    I am glad everything has worked out the way you wanted it to, that is wonderful. It gives me something to hope for!!!

    Thanks for posting about this :)

  2. Wonderful!
    It is hard these days for families... but childcare is expensive! and you are the best caretaker for your baby :)
    Of course there is nothing wrong with having a moms day out, or a date night :)
    And I applaud the ladies that can do both... as I did both & also stayed home... but seeing the short precious times when the little one are young are priceless joys!


  3. I admire you for your choice. Family is just as important as a career.

  4. being a sahm is a hard job...I am living it as well....thanks for sharing your story

  5. It is hard adjusting to a one income but oh so worth it. And our families weren't 100% on board in the beginning, but by the time you take out daycare/extra gas expenses and the other little things it wasn't worth it.

  6. Way to go! I stayed home with my daughter until she was seven and I don't regret one thing that I didn't "buy". I treasure every second I spent with her and I did indeed get to see every first. Honestly, if I had to do it again, I would do it all over even if we had less income! It was THAT important to me. :o)

  7. I am so happy for your son and your family that you are making the tough choice of staying home with him (and hopefully, his future siblings).

    I did this with my children as much as possible and came under tremendous outside pressure.

    It is so totally worth it. You do get to see them experiences their childhood landmarks, but you also avoid most of the childhood illness and bad behaviors picked up from daycare.

    I am so proud of you and hope and pray that you are able to continue in this mode. And can get tough, but you can do it.

    Give your hubby and extra hug from me for being so supportive. He truly IS the man, just like you ARE the woman.


  8. Living on one income is never easy but it comes with so many joys. I've been a stay at home mom for 9 years now and wouldn't trade it for anything.

  9. I'm so glad you can stay home with your little one! It's such a difficult and rewarding job to be a SAHM. And like you siad, you can always go back to work later but you can't go back in time and do-over raising a child. If you can stay home and want to then I think that's wonderful. Motherhood is the highest calling there is. Much higher than any other job. If motherhood is your fulltime occupation, I think that is very right and very noble... so don't let anyone get to you with comments about "wasted education" and all that. Children are more important than degrees anyway. ;) And if anyone says you should work so you can provide better for your child, then don't listen to them because all a kid needs is food and basic clothing physically. Emotionally however they need alot and if you are providing for them emotionally it's so much more important than brand-names and tons of toys! Quality time is worth way more than "stuff". I was raised very very poor so I would know! I never resented not having "things" - I resented when my dad got too caught up trying to earn more and more money so we wouldn't be poor anymore and he never spent any time with us anymore.

  10. so inspirational! You can totally do it - and that's exactly what I want to do when we start having kids.

    My hubby and I are starting a similar financial goal - no credit only! We're going through the Dave Ramsey course Financial Peace University. So awesome. I recommend it to anyone.

    Good luck! Found you on SITS by the way. =)

    oh, and so so jealous that you live in NY!

  11. I am single, and live on one income. I face many of the same challenges you face, minus the husband and children. Thanks for your tips! Just stopping by from SITS.

  12. Heyy, I considered e-mailing you, but you probably get a million emails a day, so a comment is your way.

    I'm very open to trying new things [recipes]. I do have a recipe book for slow cookers. I bought it because I thought it was for people that cooked slow, I had no idea there was a machine called like that ot whatever. OOOPPS!!!

    Do you recommend getting one?

  13. Penelope, I love this post. I am always inspired by your writing - it is very warm and from the heart, and I can imagine your home is very inviting and welcoming. Lucky husband and son! We plan to do the same if my husband and I are blessed with a baby. Would love to hear more of your thoughts on home life, happy relationships and frugal living!


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