Happy New Year!

I'd like to wish everyone a very happy New Year!

For fun, here is a list of the Top Ten New Year Resolutions made by people each year:

1. Spend more time with family and friends

2. Get into shape or lose weight

3. Quit Smoking

4. Enjoy life more

5. Get out of debt

6. Get a better job

7. Become organized

8. Help others more

9. Drink less

10. Go back to school

My resolution this year is to get more rest, and focus a lot on my little man :). As a family, our goal is to save up for a bigger home, as ours is too small for more future children. Has anyone made a unique resolution this year?


  1. Potty train Bug! :) Oh and finish unpacking from when we moved here a week before I gave birth to him. *sigh*

  2. Likely not "unique", but eat healthier, drink more water, and complain less! Grats on Little Man, he's adorable!

  3. Lol, Mirage, still haven't unpacked? That makes sense...now that I know how busy babies make life, I totally understand!

  4. Tammy, thanks! I need to work on complaining less too.


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