Daylight Savings

Don't forget: This Sunday, November 1st at 2 AM, the time will "fall" back one hour for Daylight Savings Time...this means you get one extra hour of much-deserved sleep.

For interesting info on DST (including the history, anecdotes, and more) click on Daylight Savings Time!


  1. Holy cow! I didn't even know it was so close! Thanks for the warning.

  2. Well for those of us with little ones, I am not sure we'll get an extra hour of sleep. It's going to take a while to get my dd to switch to the new time. She tends to be an early bird as it is (she got up at 5:20 this morning). In the past my dh used to treat this pratically as a holiday. He LOVES the fall back weekend (and hates the spring forward one, LOL).

  3. I loved having that extra hour when we lived in New Orleans. Here in the Caribbean it never changes. Oh well. I'm enjoying my life anyway and I really didn't miss it until I read your post. Thanks for the memory jogger.

  4. This year worked out well for us, because dh has been working a lot and really needed that extra hour, and the next day, when we got up early for church, we were terrifically refreshed.

  5. DST is such a mega pain in the rump with babies/toddlers! :p


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