I've always believed that the family that prays together stays together (my husband and I pray together, an idea he started for us since we first married), that the family that plays together stays together (a family that makes time to have fun together and enjoy being in eachother's presence), and finally, the family that eats together stays together (family dinner seems to be a very important factor in a family staying strong and maintaining open lines of communication).
I've found the following great ideas on-line that encourage the development and maintenance of a strong, loving family (some reinforce what I always believed, others are great new ideas I haven't thought of):

* Eat dinner together. Begin with prayer and then talk together. Ask questions, such as "What was your favorite part of the day?" and let everyone participate and answer.
* Talk about your beliefs, culture, traditions, and religion at home. Read to your children, cook with them, read together, especially books about your religion (such as the Bible). Celebrate holidays and traditions as a family (whether daily prayers, weekly hobbies, or annual holidays).
* Pray with and for your family. Speak to your children about your beliefs often, not just on Sundays.

* Have family nights or family days. This may consist of watching a movie, playing games, or taking a hike- the main thing is that you are all together. Occasionally have an 'Adventure Day', and explore something new together.
* Fathers: Take your daughters on "dates" once a month, and let them pick the activity, or surprise them. Great ideas are fairs, bowling, or ice-skating. Do like-wise with your sons, have a "male-bonding" day- you can hike together, learn archery, do crafts, etc. Include sharing a meal in these days, so you can talk after the fun activities. Many men work hard and have less time to spend with their children. This will provide both parents and children with lifelong, wonderful memories.
Do you have special traditions in your family? I'd love to hear them!

Great ideas to keep families strong! :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of this!!! This is so true for all families, both with children and without. My husband and I make an effort to do all of these things together. And we spend a lot of quality time with our parents and siblings each week.
ReplyDeleteDinner, check! Games and Movies, check! LOL... I too believe that a family should take the time to enjoy one another. We do so everyday. We take time for the boys, plus each other, without communication, in a marriage and with your kids, life would be most difficult.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is really busy with work and his band, but every Sunday we spend the entire day together. We refuse to make plans with anyone else on Sundays, which has taken some getting used to by other family members. It is the one day during the week we have all to ourselves and it allows us to catch up, snuggle on the couch, have fun with each other and it helps us to get through the coming busy week.
ReplyDeleteWe also have Wednesday night dinners. We make dinner together every Wednesday night, have a glass of wine, listen to music and dance in the kitchen.
These are all great ideas :) When I have a family, I am sure we will do many of these!
ReplyDeleteCGW, your blog does not allow for commenting (the link is defunct somehow) and you don't have an email posted anywhere.
ReplyDeleteit is not possible for anyone to contact you (and you may not be aware of it!), and I have no other way of reaching you except posting here (and hoping you read this)...just a heads up!
ReplyDeleteAnd YOU thought that the first entries never win. You're wrong! Random.org chose you!
with your full name and mailing address and I'll send your Designer Inspired Louis Vuitton Travel Wipes Case ASAP!
I love your article! We have a few things. We have noticed that when we don't do "family" things, we, each, are very unhappy. I have begun having monthly dinners for around the world. We also tell stories and jokes in car rides. Just doing simple things together really brings a family together.
ReplyDeleteWell, my comment didnt seem to make it up. So let me say it again. I love this article!
ReplyDeleteTexas Momma, I'm glad you like this article :) I didn't see any other comments from you, though, so not sure if it ever came through.
ReplyDeleteLoved this post ! My family sits down to dinner together almost every night i do have older kids that sometimes make other plans but 5 out of 7 days were sitting down together. And for about the last 4 summers we do a date night with our kids durning the summer the older ones (22,21,18)So we can still have one on one time ! They get to pick the place and me and the hubby take them for there special time just with us! They love it !And we do have game nights too! Loved all your ideas :)
ReplyDeleteIt's always nice to find others with the same believes you have! great post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Great ideas and a very beautiful blog. First time here, but I'll be back!
Great ideas! We play board games together. The party went great but no one made any purchases yet. It was my first workshop. Thanks for asking:)
ReplyDeleteOne Sunday a month (although we vowed to do it more often but haven't yet!) it is "No Electronics Day." While we DO allow the use of electricity (for air conditioning/refrig, etc.) we don't allow: TV, Computer, XBox or phones. We've found when we do this we talk more, play more games together, read more, work on projects (even if they are chores) together, etc. We have children between the ages of 16 and 5 and we all have seen a positive difference in our family since we started this tradition.
ReplyDeleteTruly agree--the praying together is really important to us...am following you and am with follow me club I'm at www.answersformoms.org thanks for this.
ReplyDeletekaydee, where did you get that great widget on your site? (for following on twitter, or stumble, etc)
ReplyDeletewow ! what a blog
ReplyDeletewow ! what a blog
ReplyDeleteThese are all great ways to be stay connected with your family! They are the most important people in my life so we spend a lot of time together!
ReplyDeleteHappy SITS Saturday Sharefest!