A New Beginning

This is my first post on this, my first blog. I've always wanted a small space to gather my thoughts, link to my favorite web-sites, and post favorite things...books, ideas, events, clothes, anything that strikes my fancy. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy.

I am a newlywed, married for less than four months. We have a small apartment, and big plans for a lovely family and beautiful home one day. I have been a career girl for almost ten years now, and with the support of my wonderful husband, I am slowly but surely cutting back to finally have time for the things I enjoy most...focusing on my home, writing, maybe some more travelling. One of my goals is to find my life passions, and not waste any more time on things I don't love. Here I will document my journey.

I'm currently working three days a week (from five to six days a week for many years now)...I finally feel like I can relax and breath a bit! I finally began my novel, which has been in the works in my mind for many years now. I also enjoy cooking at home more, shopping for organic food, and in general trying to make my home healthier, greener, for myself and my husband. He deserves it!

I love to travel, though I haven't gone on a trip in quite a while. My husband does not share this passion in the same way, and since we have been engaged, I have not gone away. I love to fly to other countries, he enjoys road trips around this big, beautiful country of ours. We decided to compromise and take our first trip together as a cruise, and we are both looking forward to it. We are waiting for dh to have time off from work so we can go.

We have lots of plans, lots to look forward to. For now, I'm off to flylady a bit.


  1. Welcome to Blogland! There's no turning back! haha!

    My friend and I find ourselves saying, "I saw this blog about yah-dah, yah-dah"

    -Melissa :D

  2. Thanks Melissa...I'm finding I really enjoy blogland.


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